Compatibility Notes for KS API Revisions

This page lists all the migration methods to upgrade your mods

Every single API revision comes with their own breaking changes. In order to provide you a satisfying mod development experience, we have to document all the breaking changes that occurred between API revisions and versions inside them.

Looking to upgrade your existing mods from the API that you initially targeted to the latest, which is currently v3.1? We've got you covered! Follow these instructions listed by selecting an initial API target.

Upgrading to the current series

The current breaking changes for the current revision, which is v3.1, are listed in the page below:

Upgrading to API v3.1 series

If there is a new API revision, we'll link the last API revision here.

Versions 0.0.1.x -> 0.0.7.x

Upgrading to API v1.0 series

Versions 0.0.8.x -> 0.0.11.x

Upgrading to API v1.1 series

Versions 0.0.12.x -> 0.0.15.x

Upgrading to API v1.2 series

Versions 0.0.16.x -> 0.0.19.x

Upgrading to API v1.3 series

Versions 0.0.20.x -> 0.0.23.x

Upgrading to API v2.0 series

Versions from the 0.0.24.x series

Upgrading to API v2.1 series

Versions from the 0.1.0.x and 0.1.1.x series

Upgrading to API v3.0 series

Last updated