Git Shell

Git Shell in your hands

Nitrocid KS provides this feature as an addon.

Git is a version controlling system that allows you to manage your project source code with ease. Changes to the source code are done in batches, known as commits, which store the file changes, including their content, whether they're moved; copied; deleted; or created, their attributes, and more.

Nitrocid KS provides an add-on that allows you to use the Git shell. This is so that you can experience the Git version control system as a shell. Additionally, if you have Git installed on your system, you can run git or exec git in the UESH shell.

If you have Extras.GitShell installed, you can launch the shell using the gitsh command.

Command usage:

gitsh <pathToRepositoryFolder>

How it works

When gitsh is executed, it first verifies that the .git folder found inside the repository folder exists. Then, it creates a new repository instance that allows all of the Git operations to be done.

Once it's done, it sets the branch name to the default branch from the repository's HEAD.

You can check out a specific branch using the checkout command.

Available commands

You can consult the below page for the list of available commands.

Commands List

Last updated