🌈Console Colors

Console color tools here!

In addition to all of the Terminaux's features, we also provide you with a rich class for console color tools. Here are the supported properties and functions that you can use in your console applications:

  • Setting the console color

  • Setting the console color dryly

  • ...and more

Current colors

The console tools class provides you with two properties that allow you to get the current foreground and the background color.

public static Color CurrentForegroundColor
public static Color CurrentBackgroundColor

Color setting

The console tools class provides you with two functions that set the console foreground and background colors both dryly and permanently.

public static void SetConsoleColor(Color ColorSequence, bool Background = false, bool ForceSet = false, bool canSetBackground = true)
public static void SetConsoleColorDry(Color ColorSequence, bool Background = false, bool ForceSet = false, bool canSetBackground = true)

The first function sets either the console's foreground color or the console's background color permanently. The changes will be done and you can verify this using either CurrentForegroundColor or CurrentBackgroundColor.

The second function, however, only runs dryly and doesn't set any of the abovementioned properties. This allows you to temporarily set the background or the foreground color.

If you want to dryly set the console color, you must either use the plain writers, or use the Color instances to apply them to all the Color-related parameters.

Background loading

The console color tools class also provides you with background loading functions that allow you to quickly clear the console with the selected background color.

public static void LoadBack()
public static void LoadBack(Color ColorSequence, bool Force = false)
public static void LoadBackDry()
public static void LoadBackDry(Color ColorSequence, bool Force = false)

The non-dry LoadBack() functions allow you to load the background color and permanently set the console background color to either the already-set current background color or to your specified background color. However, the dry version allows you to load the background color temporarily.

If you want to dryly set the background color, you must either use the plain writers, or use the background Color instances to apply them to all the background color-related parameters.

Sequence Initialization

If you have a Windows system, you can call a function that allows you to initialize the VT sequences. This function in the ConsoleExtensions class is called InitializeSequences().

If you have already set the VT sequence processing using a registry key found in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console\VirtualTerminalLevel, this function does nothing.