Upgrading BassBoom on Windows!
Upgrading BassBoom on Windows is pretty simple, depending on the way you've installed it. To upgrade it, choose a method. Please note that the third method, which is unpacking the update yourself, can also be done with the bleeding-edge builds.
If you're upgrading bleeding-edge builds, it's recommended that you uninstall the old copy and reinstall the newer version.
Method 1: Windows Installer
You can update BassBoom using the Windows Installer method.
Download the latest BassBoom EXE file from this page.
Double-click on the EXE file and follow the instructions
Double-click on
in your desktop.
Method 2: Using Chocolatey
Any updates to the BassBoom Chocolatey package can be done using a built-in Chocolatey command. To update the kernel, follow these steps:
Open your favorite terminal emulator, like ConEmu
choco upgrade bassboom
Once the upgrade is done, run BassBoom like you normally would
Method 3: Manually unpacking
BassBoom can also be manually updated in case the automatic updater failed to update. To update BassBoom, perform the same steps as in installing it.
Ensure that you have all the required software installed
Download the latest release ZIP file from this page.
Unpack the ZIP archive to any folder of your choice
Open your favorite terminal emulator, like ConEmu, and change the working directory to a folder containing the BassBoom executable
to start the kernel
Last updated