👤Name Generation

Get a random name!

Using this function is very simple! Just use the Textify.NameGen namespace in any piece of code you want to use the function, as in: using Textify.Data.Analysis.NameGen;

Just use the NameGenerator class that contains:

  • GenerateNames()

  • GenerateNames(int)

  • GenerateNames(int, string, string, string, string)

These functions call the PopulateNames() function to download the list of words and installs the list of words to the words list for the two above functions to use.

If the conditional version is used, you can specify the maximum amount of names, as well as supplying the name suffix and prefix and the surname suffix and prefix.

For example, if you called the generation function like this:

var names = GenerateNames(5, "Th", "", "", "ey")

...it'll generate five full names that the first name starts with Th and that the surname ends with ey, for example:

Thomas Dawsey
Thalia Ermey

You can specify the name gender type using the NameGenderType enumeration when calling any of the first name generation functions.

In addition to that, you can get the full list of first and last names with the ability to consider the gender selection.

Last updated