The Users

This page describes the internal workings of the username management

Nitrocid KS provides you with a rich user management that does basic and advanced operations, such as creating a user, removing a user, listing users, and so on.

User locking

You can lock the modification of a user by using the following functions:

public static void LockUser(string User)
public static void UnlockUser(string User)
public static bool IsLocked(string User)

When a user is locked, the following functions can't be run on that user to protect it. This is used by the sudo command to protect users running sudo from removing the root user or the current user.

  • InitializeUser()

  • RemoveUser()

  • ChangeUsername()

  • ChangePassword()

Trying to run any of the four functions above results in a KernelException if they're executed against a locked user.

Login handlers

Login handlers are login interfaces in which Nitrocid summons in order to commence a login process, just after all the necessary components of the kernel have finished loading. They provide three login flows:

  • LoginScreen()

    • This is the first step for every login handler to stylize their login screen. It can be simple (textual) or modern (interactive). The return value determines whether to proceed to the user selector screen or to refresh itself (useful for shutdown/reboot options).

  • UserSelector()

    • This is the second stage in which the login handler must prompt for the username and return the correct username that exists. Additionally, you can make it return the username that the user input.

  • PasswordHandler(user)

    • This is the final stage in which the handler should ask the password for any selected user. For security reasons, we've chosen not to allow auto-logins for passwordless users, except the modern logon handler provided by Nitrocid.

Be honest when dealing with the return values for both UserSelector and PasswordHandler. Make sure that you use the correct values for both of them. PasswordHandler returns either true or false in the following conditions:

  • true: if the password is valid

  • false: if the password is invalid

Registering handlers

You can now add or remove your custom login handlers to make your kernel use your login screen. To add your handler, you can use the RegisterHandler() function to add it to the list of available handlers. This allows you to customize your login screen to the one that you made.

public static void RegisterHandler(string name, BaseLoginHandler handler)

After that, you should be able to find your login handler when trying to change your login screen using the settings command.

Unregistering handlers

Similarly, if you want to unregister your login handler, you can do so by using the UnregisterHandler() function.

public static void UnregisterHandler(string name)

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