🔋Command Information

Define this command for me!

Each command you define in your shell must provide a new instance of the CommandInfo class holding details about the specified command. The new instance of the class can be made using the constructor defined below:

public CommandInfo(string Command, string HelpDefinition, CommandArgumentInfo[] CommandArgumentInfo, BaseCommand CommandBase, CommandFlags Flags = CommandFlags.None)


  • Command: The command

  • HelpDefinition: The brief summary of what the command does

  • CommandArgumentInfo: Array of argument information about your command

  • CommandBase: An instance of the BaseCommand containing command execution information

  • CommandFlags: All command flags

To implement CommandArgumentInfo, call the constructor either with no parameters, which implies that there is no argument required to run this command, or with the following options listed below.

public CommandArgumentInfo()
public CommandArgumentInfo(bool AcceptsSet)
public CommandArgumentInfo(bool AcceptsSet, bool infiniteBounds)
public CommandArgumentInfo(CommandArgumentPart[] Arguments)
public CommandArgumentInfo(CommandArgumentPart[] Arguments, bool AcceptsSet)
public CommandArgumentInfo(CommandArgumentPart[] Arguments, bool AcceptsSet, bool infiniteBounds)
public CommandArgumentInfo(SwitchInfo[] Switches)
public CommandArgumentInfo(SwitchInfo[] Switches, bool AcceptsSet)
public CommandArgumentInfo(SwitchInfo[] Switches, bool AcceptsSet, bool infiniteBounds)
public CommandArgumentInfo(CommandArgumentPart[] Arguments, SwitchInfo[] Switches)
public CommandArgumentInfo(CommandArgumentPart[] Arguments, SwitchInfo[] Switches, bool AcceptsSet)
public CommandArgumentInfo(CommandArgumentPart[] Arguments, SwitchInfo[] Switches, bool AcceptsSet, bool infiniteBounds)


  • Arguments: Defines the command arguments

  • Switches: Defines the command switches

  • AcceptsSet: Whether to accept the -set switch

  • infiniteBounds: Whether to accept infinite number of arguments or not

For CommandArgumentPart instances, consult the below constructor to create an array of CommandArgumentPart instances when defining your commands:

public CommandArgumentPart(bool argumentRequired, string argumentExpression, Func<string[], string[]> autoCompleter = null, bool isNumeric = false, string[] exactWording = null, string argumentDesc = "")


  • argumentRequired: Is this argument part required?

  • argumentExpression: Command argument expression

  • autoCompleter: Auto completion function delegate

    • The first string[] denotes the list of last passed arguments

    • The second string[] (output) denotes the suggestions returned

  • isNumeric: Whether this argument part accepts numeric values only

  • exactWording: If not empty, the user must write one of the words declared in this variable for this argument to be satisfied

  • argumentDesc: Unlocalized argument description that shows up in the help entry

Usually, there is no need for you to cut the string to the required position; the shell does it to every single autocomplete result that is given.

Command argument part with options

In case you want to expressively specify the options without having to use default values for all parameters to set a certain parameter, you can use the CommandArgumentPartOptions overload:

public CommandArgumentPart(bool argumentRequired, string argumentExpression, CommandArgumentPartOptions options)

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