This is today's weather forecast.
This is today's weather forecast.
The weather kernel addon allows you to check your city's weather forecast using the OpenWeatherMap free forecast API. You can check the information about the current weather condition in your city, such as the state of the forecast, the wind speed, the humidity, and so on.
You can get the free weather forecast API key by going to this page. You'll need an OpenWeatherMap account.
The weather kernel addon provides the following properties:
Weather: The state of the weather forecast in your city (Clear, smoke, cloudy, raining, etc.).
Temperature: The temperature of the outside environment either in Celsius, in Kelvin, or in Fahrenheit.
Feels like: The temperature that makes you feel like it either in Celsius, in Kelvin, or in Fahrenheit.
Wind speed: The wind speed in the outside environment in meters per second.
Wind direction: The direction of the wind in degrees
Pressure: The pressure in Hectopascals
Humidity: The weather humidity in percentage