📉ConsoleBase - NKS0009

Use ConsoleTools.ResetColors()

This analyzer provides the following strings:


Error List

Caller uses Console.ResetColor instead of ConsoleExtensions.ResetColors()

Suggestion Box

Use ConsoleTools.ResetColors() instead of Console.ResetColor


ConsoleTools.ResetColors() contains VT sequences that help reset colors in a portable way.

Extended Description

This code analyzer detects the usage of ResetColor from the standard Console class found in the System namespace.

While ResetColor() is enough to reset all the colors, we felt that using simple VT sequences to achieve the same goal is more viable. Therefore, we've made the ResetColors() function that allows you to simply reset the colors.

Analysis Comparison

To get a brief insight about how this analyzer works, compare the two code blocks shown to you below:

Before the fix

Somewhere in your mod code...
public static void MyFunction()

After the fix

Somewhere in your mod code...
public static void MyFunction()


You can suppress this suggestion by including it in the appropriate place, whichever is convenient.

For more information about how to suppress any warning issued by the Nitrocid analyzer, visit the below page:


We recommend that every caller which use this function use the recommended abovementioned method.

Last updated