
Play your music!

The playback tools in the Basolia library contains two separate sections: the actual playback tools and the playback positioning tools.

Playback tools

The playback tools shipped with the Basolia library is a key feature for every single music player.

Playing music

There are two ways to play the music: synchronously and asynchronously. For normal console applications, you'd typically use Play() for a single audio player, or this function in a thread for a music player, such as BassBoom.Cli.

public static void Play()

However, for GUI application, it's best to use the asynchronous version whenever possible, PlayAsync(), to avoid blocking the main thread.

public static async Task PlayAsync()

Pausing and stopping music

If you want to pause the music, you can use the Pause() function. It'll stop the music, but stays at the current position. If you want to start over, you can use the Stop() function.

public static void Pause()
public static void Stop()

Volume Controls

For controlling the volume that the Basolia library controls, you can use both the SetVolume() and the GetVolume() functions. SetVolume() allows you to set the current volume to the new volume from 0.0 (0%) to 1.0 (100%).

public static void SetVolume(double volume)

Getting the current volume using the GetVolume() function returns three variables that describe the following:

  • baseLinear: The base linear volume from 0.0 to 1.0

  • actualLinear: The actual linear volume from 0.0 to 1.0

  • decibelsRva: The RVA value in decibels (dB)

public static (double baseLinear, double actualLinear, double decibelsRva) GetVolume()

Playback states

When either Play(), Pause(), or Stop() functions are called, the playback state changes, depending on the action. You can get the current playback state by using the State property.

public static PlaybackState State

You can also quickly determine whether Basolia is busy playing a song using the Playing property:

public static bool Playing

The playback states are the following:

  • Stopped: Music has either stopped or not played yet

  • Playing: Music is playing

  • Paused: Music has been paused by the user or by the call to the Pause() function

Positioning tools

In addition to the playback tools, you can also get access to the positioning tools to perform seek operations to jump to a specific section of a song, regardless of whether the song is playing or not.

Current duration

You can get the current duration in two units: Samples and time span. If you want to get the current duration using the samples, you can use the GetCurrentDuration() function:

public static int GetCurrentDuration()

Similarly, you can also get the current duration in the timespan for easier representation by using the GetCurrentDurationSpan() function:

public static TimeSpan GetCurrentDurationSpan()

Seeking controls

If you want to seek the music file either to a selected position using a frame number or to the beginning of the song (frame 0), you can simply use one of the two functions:

// For seeking to the beginning
public static void SeekToTheBeginning()

// For seeking to a specific MPEG frame
public static void SeekToFrame(int frame)

Equalizer tools

BassBoom's Basolia library also allows you to modify the equalizer settings during playback so that you can listen to enhanced music. It currently supports 32 bands as MPG123 supports.

You can run this tool on either left, right, or both speakers.

Getting current equalizer values

If you want to get the current equalizer values, you can use the below function:

public static double GetEqualizer(mpg123_channels channels, int bandIdx)

Setting equalizer values

If you want to set the equalizer values for one or more bands to make your music sound better, you can use the below function:

// For one band
public static void SetEqualizer(mpg123_channels channels, int bandIdx, double value)

// For more than one bands
public static void SetEqualizerRange(mpg123_channels channels, int bandIdxStart, int bandIdxEnd, double value)

Resetting equalizer values

If you want to reset the equalizer values to their natural states (1.00), you can use the below function:

public static void ResetEqualizer()

Getting native state

If you want to get the native state of the output stream that represents the currently playing music, you can use this function:

public static (long, double) GetNativeState(mpg123_state state)

The mpg123_state enumeration has the following states for you to get:

  • MPG123_ACCURATE: Accurate rendering

  • MPG123_BUFFERFILL: Buffer fill

  • MPG123_DEC_DELAY: Decode delay in milliseconds

  • MPG123_ENC_DELAY: Encode delay in milliseconds

  • MPG123_ENC_PADDING: Encoding padding

  • MPG123_FRANKENSTEIN: Frankenstein stream?

  • MPG123_FRESH_DECODER: Fresh decoder

Last updated