🎨Theme Studio

Making your own themes easily.

The theme studio allows you to make your own custom themes easily by letting you edit every single color type. It provides you with a fully-fledged color wheel provided by Terminaux to ensure that what you select is accurate and tailored to your needs. You can simply run this program by running the mktheme <name> command.

This saves you the need of manually making a JSON file containing theme data, whose specification can be found here:

Once you're done making your own theme, the theme studio provides you with these options:

  • Save Theme to Current Directory: Saves the theme file to the current directory

  • Save Theme to Another Directory...: Saves the theme file to a specified directory

  • Save Theme to Current Directory as...: Saves the theme file to the current directory as another name

  • Save Theme to Another Directory as...: Saves the theme file to a specified directory as another name

  • Load Theme From File...: Loads a theme from a theme JSON file

  • Load Theme From Prebuilt Themes...: Loads a theme from one of the pre-built themes

  • Load Current Colors: Loads the current colors and undos any changes made.

  • Preview...: Shows you a live theme preview as list of text

  • Exit: Exits the application

Once you're done with the theme, the theme studio doesn't automatically save your theme file. Therefore, you'll have to manually save it by highlighting on the Save Theme to Current Directory option and selecting it. Select it by pressing ENTER.

You can set your kernel theme to use your custom theme by executing the themeset command with the path to your theme JSON file as the first argument, such as themeset Colorful.json.

Last updated