Color Model Conversions
From RGB to CMYK to HSL to...
Terminaux provides several color models that you can convert from/to using the Color
instance. You can use the RGB property from it to be able to start converting your color to another color model using the appropriate conversion tools for your target unit. The following conversion tools are available:
: Converts your color model instance to CMYCmykConversionTools
: Converts your color model instance to CMYKHslConversionTools
: Converts your color model instance to HSLHsvConversionTools
: Converts your color model instance to HSVRgbConversionTools
: Converts your color model instance to RGBRybConversionTools
: Converts your color model instance to RYBYiqConversionTools
: Converts your color model instance to YIQYuvConversionTools
: Converts your color model instance to YUV
These classes were made to facilitate the color model conversion, such as from RGB to CMY, from CMY to HSL, from HSL to RYB, and so on. This means that it's easier than before.
Color models also contain their normalized properties. Some of these models have the Normalized
(floating point numbers) variants of the components, while some others have the Whole
(integers) variants.
To convert your source color model, you first need to select the conversion tools according to the color model that you want to convert the source model to (a.k.a. the target color model). For example, if you want to convert RGB to HSV, you can use the HsvConversionTools
and call the function, ConvertFrom(RedGreenBlue)
, to run the conversion.
Here's how the conversion is run:
The program above converts the color that has the RGB value of 128, 255, 0
to its representation in Hue, Saturation, and Value color model. You can then consult the target's properties to see the resulting values, such as the hue, saturation, and the value variables in both the fractional form [0.00, 1.00]
and the complete form [0, 100]
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