🖊️Figlet Font Selector

Select your favorite font from here!

This feature is available on 1.1.0 or higher.

The figlet font selector allows you to flexibly select a Figlet font provided by the external Figgle library not maintained by us. It shows you a live preview of the font to show you how your selected font looks like prior to submission.

You can simply invoke the selector on your interactive console application by calling the below function like so:

string font = FigletSelector.PromptForFiglet();

Usually, this call is followed by getting a figlet font from the above variable and writing it using the WriteFiglet() function:

var figlet = FigletTools.GetFigletFont(font);
FigletColor.WriteFiglet("Hello!", figlet, ConsoleColors.Green);

Additionally, you can press S to write the desired font name and quickly switch to that font.

More details about WriteFiglet() can be found in the below link:

🖊️Console Writers