What are the shells?
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What are the shells?
Last updated
Operating systems contain their shells that listen to user input and execute any command – either built-in or custom – to perform operations that the users plan or need to do. Shells usually contain the prompt indicator to tell the user where is the current working directory, the user name, the host name, or anything that is set up to show.
In Linux systems, the shell is initiated with the help of both the log-in handler and the system initialization program, usually found in /sbin/init
. Linux shells are numerous, like zsh
, dash
, and bash
. In Windows, it has only two shells, which is PowerShell and Command Prompt (simulates the MS-DOS command prompt).
Each shell contain their own built-in commands and their usage and purpose that are hard-coded to the shell, and they're usually not distributed in a binary form. External commands are just programs or scripts that you would execute, but found in your system drive or any of the drives.
In the simulated kernel, the kernel initialization system only runs one shell, which is Unified Extensible SHell (UESH), that runs more like a shell manager. This shell manager calls for the main shell to be executed the moment the user logs on.
This program is part of the core kernel that is programmed to not only be a standalone shell, but also be an extensible shell manager that actually executes built-in and custom shells, supervise the shell's behavior, and manage the shell stack. It provides you an ability to be able to implement your commands for any built-in shells and build your own shell that actually contains your own built-in commands.
For more information about its inner workings and how you can build your own commands and shells, consult the below page.
For scripting, consult the below page.
The main shell contains these commands that you can use below. The administrative commands are listed in the bottom of the list to differentiate from the normal commands.
archive <archivefile>
Opens the archive file to the archive shell
Makes a beep from the console
bulkrename <targetdir> <pattern> <newname>
Renames the files massively satisfying the pattern to the new name
calc <expression>
Calculates the expression
calendar <show> [year] [month]
Shows the calendar
calendar <event> <add> <date> <title>
Adds an event to the calendar
calendar <event> <remove> <eventid>
Removes the event from the calendar
calendar <event> <list>
Lists all the events
calendar <event> <saveall>
Saves all the events
calendar <reminder> <add> <dateandtime> <title>
Adds the reminder to the calendar
calendar <reminder> <remove> <reminderid>
Removes the reminder from the calendar
calendar <reminder> <list>
Lists all the reminders
calendar <reminder> <saveall>
Saves all the reminders
cat [-lines|-nolines|-plain] <file>
Prints the contents of a file
chattr <file> +/-<attributes>
Changes the attribute of a file
chdir <directory/..>
Changes the directory to another directory
choice [-o|-t|-m|-a] [-multiple|-single] <$variable> <answers> <input> [answertitle1] [answertitle2] ...
Makes a choice amd sets it to a UESH variable
Clears the fired events
Clears the screen
colorhextorgb <#RRGGBB>
Converts the hexadecimal representation of the color to RGB numbers
colorhextorgbks <#RRGGBB>
Converts the hexadecimal representation of the color to RGB numbers in KS format
colorrgbtohex <R> <G> <B>
Converts the color RGB numbers to a hexadecimal representation
combinestr <input1> <input2> [input3] ...
Combines the strings
combine <output> <input1> <input2> [input3] ...
Combines the two or more text files to the output
convertlineendings <textfile> [-w|-u|-m]
Converts the line endings to the current platform line ending or a specific line ending
copy <source> <target>
Creates another copy of a source file under the target
dict <word>
Defines a word
dirinfo <directory>
Provides information about a directory
dismissnotif <notificationNumber>
Dismisses a notification
Dismisses all notifications
echo [text]
Echoes a text
edit <file>
Edits a file
fileinfo <file>
Provides information about a file
find <file> [directory]
Finds a file in the specified directory or a current directory
ftp [server]
Use an FTP shell to interact with the FTP server
genname [-t] [namescount] [nameprefix] [namesuffix] [surnameprefix] [surnamesuffix]
Name and surname generator
gettimeinfo <date>
Gets the date and time information
get <URL>
Downloads a file to the current working directory
Starts the Hangman game
Starts the HTTP shell
hwinfo <HardwareType/all>
Lists the hardware info
if <uesh-expression> <command>
If the expression is satisfied, executes a command
Interactive file manager
input <$variable> <question>
Allows user to enter input and save it to a specified UESH variable
jsonbeautify <jsonfile> [output]
Beautifies a JSON file
jsonminify <jsonfile> [output]
Minifies a JSON file
Gets key information for a pressed key
Shows license information for the kernel
lintscript <script>
Checks your UESH script for syntax errors
list [-showdetails|-suppressmessages|-recursive] [directory]
Lists either the current directory or a specified directory
listunits <type>
Lists all available units
Locks your screen
Logs you out
Lists the users
Lists the set UESH variables
mail [emailAddress]
Opens the mail client
md <directory>
Creates a directory
You are a spaceship and the meteors are coming to destroy you. Can you save it?
mkfile <file>
Makes a normal file
mktheme <themeName>
Opens the theme studio to let you create a new theme
modmanual [-list] <ManualTitle>
Opens the manual viewer for your mod manual
move <source> <target>
Moves a file or directory to the target
open <URL>
Opens a URL
ping [times] <Address1> <Address2> ...
Pings an address
playlyric <lyric.lrc>
Plays a lyric file
previewsplash [splashName]
Previews a splash
put <FileName> <URL>
Uploads a file to specified website
reboot [ip] [port]
Restarts the simulated kernel
Starts the Retro Kernel Simulator
rm <directory/file>
Removes a directory or file
A bug reporting prompt
Russian Roulette
rss [-m] [feedlink]
Opens the RSS feed
savescreen [saver]
Saves your screen
search <Regexp> <File>
Searches for specified file using the regular expression
searchword <StringEnclosedInDoubleQuotes> <File>
Searches for specified file using the string
select <$variable> <answers> <input> [answertitle1] [answertitle2] ...
Provides a selection choice
set <$variable> <value>
Sets a value to a variable
setrange <$variablename> <value1> [value2] [value3] ...
Creates a variable array with set variables
Lets you use an SSH FTP server
Shows all the received notifications
Shows time and date
showtdzone [-all] <timezone>
Shows time and date in a timezone
shutdown [ip] [port]
Shuts down the kernel
sleep <ms>
Sleeps for specified milliseconds
The snake game!
Starts the Solver game!
speedpress [-e|-m|-h|-v|-c] [timeout]
Starts the SpeedPress game!
sshell <address:port> <username>
Connects to an SSH server
sshcmd <address:port> <username> "<command>"
Connects to an SSH server to execute a command
A simple stopwatch
sumfile [-relative] <MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA384/SHA512/all> <file> [outputFile]
Calculates a file sum
sumfiles [-relative] <MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA384/SHA512/all> <dir> [outputFile]
Calculates sum of files
themesel [Theme]
Selects a theme and sets it
A simple timer
unitconv <unittype> <quantity> <sourceunit> <targetunit>
Unit converter
unzip <zipfile> [path] [-createdir]
Extracts a ZIP archive
usermanual [-modapi]
Opens this documentation website
verify <MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA384/SHA512> <calculatedhash> <hashfile/expectedhash> <file>
Verifies sanity of the file
weather [-list] <CityID/CityName> [apikey]
Shows weather info for specified city using OpenWeatherMap
wordle [-orig]
Starts the Wordle game
wrap <command>
Wraps the console output
zip <zipfile> <path> [-fast|-nocomp|-nobasedir]
Creates a ZIP archive
adduser <userName> [password] [confirm]
Adds a new user to the kernel
Opens the administrative shell
alias <rem/add> <ShellType> <alias> <cmd>
Manages the aliases, like adding and removing aliases
blockdbgdev <ipaddress>
Blocks the connected debug device
chhostname <HostName>
Changes the host name
chmal [Message]
Changes the MOTD After Login (MAL) either by specifying the message or by opening the text editor to the MAL configuration file
chmotd [Message]
Changes the Message of the Day (MOTD) either by specifying the message or by opening the text editor to the MOTD configuration file
chpwd <Username> <UserPass> <newPass> <confirm>
Changes the password of a user. If the user contains no password, leave the second argument empty
chusrname <oldUserName> <newUserName>
Changes the user name
disconndbgdev <ip>
Disconnects the debug device
langman <reload/load/unload> <customlanguagename>
Loads and unloads the custom language
langman <list/reloadall>
Lists or reloads all the custom languages
Lists all the connected debug devices
Lists all the online network devices
modman <start/stop/info/reload/install/uninstall> <modfilename>
Manages a specific mod
modman <list/listparts> [modname]
Lists all the available mods or parts of a mod
modman <reloadall/stopall/startall>
Manages all the mods at once
perm <userName> <allow/revoke> <perm>
Manages the user permissions
Reloads the configuration file (invoke if the config file is edited externally)
reloadsaver <customsaver>
Reloads a custom screensaver file
rexec <address> [port] <command>
Remotely executes an RPC command to another computer running Nitrocid KS with RPC enabled
Enables or disables the remote debugging
rmuser <Username>
Removes a user
Saves the current directory to the kernel configuration file
setsaver <customsaver/builtinsaver>
Sets the default screensaver to a built-in screensaver or a custom screensaver
This command is obsolete and should be avoided. This setting can be set using the settings
command under Screensaver Settings.
settings [-saver|-splash]
Opens the settings application in either the normal mode, screensaver mode, or splash mode
Task management
unblockdbgdev <ipaddress>
Unblocks a debug device
Checks for updates of the kernel and downloads the update if available