The screensaver is the idle process that will activate if your computer went idle. You can also see the default screensaver by savescreen that is set by you or by the kernel.
The screensaver can also be customized, and we'll teach you how to make your first screensaver, to make from the simplest screensavers to the legendary ones. The custom screensavers are glorified dynamic mods.
[!TIP] To get started to our Kernel Simulator API, visit this page.
How to start your own screensaver on Visual Studio?
[!NOTE] We recommend following the template repository for making your own screensaver here.
If you're going to make your mod, follow these steps:
On the Start Page, click on New Project
Click on Class Library (.NET Framework) or Class Library, select VB or C#, and name your mod or modpack. Select Framework as .NET Framework 4.8 or .NET 6.0. When you're finished, click Create.
Right-click on References in the Solution Explorer, and press Manage NuGet packages...
Go to Browse, and find Kernel Simulator and install it.
You will see that your KS executable files are added to the references. In your project file, this will be added:
The code will be ready in your ScreensaverName codefile:
Public Class ScreensaverName
'Your code here
End Class
Now, follow these steps:
Between the Public Class... and the End Class lines, let Visual Studio know that you're going to create your KS screensaver by writing: Implements ICustomSaver
Define properties for mod information by putting below the Implements IScript:
Public Property Initialized As Boolean Implements ICustomSaver.Initialized
Public Property DelayForEachWrite As Integer Implements ICustomSaver.DelayForEachWrite
Public Property SaverName As String Implements ICustomSaver.SaverName
Make your init screensaver sub named InitSaver() that implements the ICustomSaver.InitSaver, by writing:
Sub InitSaver() Implements ICustomSaver.InitSaver
'Your code here
Initialized = True 'Put it anywhere in the sub if you're making If conditions, otherwise, leave it here.
End Sub
Replace every Your code here comment with your code. Repeat this step on all the interface subs
Make your pre-display (Called before displaying screensaver) sub named PreDisplay() and post-display (called after displaying scrensaver) sub named PostDisplay() that implement the ICustomSaver.PreDisplay and ICustomSaver.PostDisplay, by writing:
Sub PreDisplay() Implements ICustomSaver.PreDisplay
'Your code here
End Sub
Sub PostDisplay() Implements ICustomSaver.PostDisplay
'Your code here
End Sub
Make your display code (it should display something) sub named ScrnSaver() that implements the ICustomSaver.ScrnSaver, by writing:
Sub ScrnSaver() Implements ICustomSaver.ScrnSaver
'Your code here
End Sub
Run the build. When the build is successful, ignore the dialog box that appears.
Run your Kernel Simulator you've just referenced to in your project, and load, set default, and lock your screen and your screensaver is there.
Optional stuff
You can make your subs anywhere on the class, but if:
they're on the different class, make a separate code file for it:
Public Class AnotherClass
'Your definitions below, and so your subs, functions, interfaces, etc.
End Class
they're trying to re-initialize the screensaver by re-calling InitSaver(), Try so on your test environment first, then the production environment if that worked properly.
The new subs or functions should meet the following conditions:
They shouldn't make an infinite loop unless you're making them that exits if specified conditions are met
They shouldn't try to cause errors with the kernel.
Put your sub call on one of the three subs that implements the ICustomSaver interface. Ex. If you're going to make a sub that's going to be called on screensaver display, place your sub call on the ScrnSaver() sub, and then your code on your sub.
If you're going to add imports, these rules must be met:
Don't import KS by itself. KS does that automatically
When importing modules/classes like TextWriterColor, it's written like this: Imports KS.Misc.Writers.TextWriterColor
Here are two examples of how to make a screensaver:
In-Console Message Box, and Soon, Overnight, or Rude (Go away...) messages
The back message box screensaver tells people that the computer owner is gone, or the owner tells that they should go away because there were important things going on in their computers. This is achieved in XLock in old Linux systems by putting 3 modes, Soon, Overnight, and Rude.
Write below the (Assume that your mod name is SOR) Public Class SOR: Implements ICustomSaver
You should get errors saying that these subs should be created.
Make your start screensaver event handler by writing:
Public Property Initialized As Boolean Implements ICustomSaver.Initialized
Public Property DelayForEachWrite As Integer Implements ICustomSaver.DelayForEachWrite
Public Property SaverName As String Implements ICustomSaver.SaverName
Public Property SaverSettings As Dictionary(Of String, Object) Implements ICustomSaver.SaverSettings
Sub InitSaver() Implements ICustomSaver.InitSaver
W("Load this screensaver using ""setsaver SORSS""", False, True, GetConsoleColor(ColTypes.Neutral))
SaverName = "SORSS"
Initialized = True
End Sub
Since we're not implementing anything before displaying screensaver, we're going to leave this blank:
Sub PreDisplay() Implements ICustomSaver.PreDisplay
End Sub
Write above the Property Initialized...:
Public SOR_Random As New Random() 'Initializes the random number generator
Public S_Random As New Random() 'Initializes the random number generator
Public O_Random As New Random() 'Initializes the random number generator
Public R_Random As New Random() 'Initializes the random number generator
Write on the ScrnSaver() sub:
If Custom.CancellationPending = True Then 'This will fix the issue for the task being busy.
Exit Sub
Dim SOR_Integer As Integer = SOR_Random.Next(1, 4) 'Chooses whether it's Soon, Overnight or Rude
Dim Soon_MsgID As Integer = SOR_Random.Next(0, 2) 'Selects messages in the Soon array
Dim Over_MsgID As Integer = SOR_Random.Next(0, 2) 'Selects messages in the Overnight array
Dim Rude_MsgID As Integer = SOR_Random.Next(0, 3) 'Selects messages in the Rude array
Console.SetWindowPosition(0, 1)
Select Case SOR_Integer
Case 1 'Soon
WriteMsg(SOR_Integer, Soon_MsgID)
Case 2 'Overnight
WriteMsg(SOR_Integer, Over_MsgID)
Case 3 'Rude
WriteMsg(SOR_Integer, Rude_MsgID)
End Select
You may need to create 1 function and 2 subs for this to work. Write them below the last End Sub:
Public Shared Function ParsePlaces(ByVal text As String)
text = text.Replace("<OWNER>", signedinusrnm)
Return text
End Function
Public Shared Sub InitializeBar(ByVal strlen As Integer)
W(" +-", False, GetConsoleColor(ColTypes.Neutral))
For l As Integer = 0 To strlen - 1
W("-", False, GetConsoleColor(ColTypes.Neutral))
W("-+", True, GetConsoleColor(ColTypes.Neutral))
End Sub
Public Shared Sub WriteMsg(ByVal TypeID As Integer, ByVal MsgID As Integer)
Dim BackMessages As String() = {"<OWNER> will be back soon.", "<OWNER> is busy. He will be back soon."}
Dim OvernightMsg As String() = {"It seems that <OWNER> will be back overnight", "He'll be back overnight."}
Dim RudeMessages As String() = {"Can you go away?", "Go away, <OWNER> will be back soon", "<OWNER> isn't here. Go away."}
Dim text As String = ""
Select Case TypeID
Case 1
text = ParsePlaces(BackMessages(MsgID))
Case 2
text = ParsePlaces(OvernightMsg(MsgID))
Case 3
text = ParsePlaces(RudeMessages(MsgID))
End Select
W(" | {0} |", True, GetConsoleColor(ColTypes.Neutral), text)
End Sub
The code should look like this:
Imports System.Threading
Imports KS.ConsoleBase.ColorTools
Imports KS.Misc.Probers
Imports KS.Misc.Screensaver
Imports KS.Misc.Writers.ConsoleWriters
Public Class SoonOvernightRude
Implements ICustomSaver
Public Property Initialized As Boolean Implements ICustomSaver.Initialized
Public Property DelayForEachWrite As Integer Implements ICustomSaver.DelayForEachWrite
Public Property SaverName As String Implements ICustomSaver.SaverName
Public Property SaverSettings As Dictionary(Of String, Object) Implements ICustomSaver.SaverSettings
Public SOR_Random As New Random()
Public S_Random As New Random()
Public O_Random As New Random()
Public R_Random As New Random()
Sub InitSaver() Implements ICustomSaver.InitSaver
Write("Set this screensaver as default using ""setsaver SORSS""", True, GetConsoleColor(ColTypes.Neutral))
SaverName = "SORSS"
Initialized = True
End Sub
Sub PreDisplay() Implements ICustomSaver.PreDisplay
End Sub
Sub PostDisplay() Implements ICustomSaver.PostDisplay
End Sub
Sub ScrnSaver() Implements ICustomSaver.ScrnSaver
Dim SOR_Integer As Integer = SOR_Random.Next(1, 4) 'Chooses whether it's Soon, Overnight or Rude
Dim Soon_MsgID As Integer = S_Random.Next(0, 2) 'Selects messages in the Soon array
Dim Over_MsgID As Integer = O_Random.Next(0, 2) 'Selects messages in the Overnight array
Dim Rude_MsgID As Integer = R_Random.Next(0, 3) 'Selects messages in the Rude array
ConsoleWrapper.SetCursorPosition(0, 1)
Select Case SOR_Integer
Case 1 'Soon
WriteMsg(SOR_Integer, Soon_MsgID)
Case 2 'Overnight
WriteMsg(SOR_Integer, Over_MsgID)
Case 3 'Rude
WriteMsg(SOR_Integer, Rude_MsgID)
End Select
End Sub
Public Shared Sub InitializeBar(strlen As Integer)
Write(" +-", False, GetConsoleColor(ColTypes.Neutral))
For l As Integer = 0 To strlen - 1
Write("-", False, GetConsoleColor(ColTypes.Neutral))
Write("-+", True, GetConsoleColor(ColTypes.Neutral))
End Sub
Public Shared Sub WriteMsg(TypeID As Integer, MsgID As Integer)
Dim BackMessages As String() = {"<user> will be back soon.", "<user> is busy. He will be back soon."}
Dim OvernightMsg As String() = {"It seems that <user> will be back overnight", "He'll be back overnight."}
Dim RudeMessages As String() = {"Can you go away?", "Go away, <user> will be back soon", "<user> isn't here. Go away."}
Dim text As String = ""
Select Case TypeID
Case 1
text = ProbePlaces(BackMessages(MsgID))
Case 2
text = ProbePlaces(OvernightMsg(MsgID))
Case 3
text = ProbePlaces(RudeMessages(MsgID))
End Select
Write(" | {0} |", True, GetConsoleColor(ColTypes.Neutral), text)
End Sub
End Class
Run the build. When the build is successful, ignore the dialog box that appears.
Run the target KS once you copied the generated .dll file, set as default, and run savescreen.
Simple Blank screen
Write below the (Assume that your mod name is Blank) Public Class Blank: Implements ICustomSaver
Write above the Public Class Blank (assuming that your classname is Blank):
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports KS.Misc.Screensaver
Write these below the Implements ICustomSaver:
Public Property Initialized As Boolean Implements ICustomSaver.Initialized
Public Property DelayForEachWrite As Integer Implements ICustomSaver.DelayForEachWrite
Public Property SaverName As String Implements ICustomSaver.SaverName
Public Property SaverSettings As Dictionary(Of String, Object) Implements ICustomSaver.SaverSettings
Public Sub InitSaver() Implements ICustomSaver.InitSaver
SaverName = "Blank"
Initialized = True
End Sub
Public Sub PreDisplay() Implements ICustomSaver.PreDisplay
End Sub
Public Sub PostDisplay() Implements ICustomSaver.PostDisplay
End Sub
Public Sub ScrnSaver() Implements ICustomSaver.ScrnSaver
End Sub
Write inside the ScrnSaver sub:
The code should look like this:
Imports KS.Misc.Screensaver
Public Class Blank
Implements ICustomSaver
Public Property Initialized As Boolean Implements ICustomSaver.Initialized
Public Property DelayForEachWrite As Integer Implements ICustomSaver.DelayForEachWrite
Public Property SaverName As String Implements ICustomSaver.SaverName
Public Property SaverSettings As Dictionary(Of String, Object) Implements ICustomSaver.SaverSettings
Public Sub InitSaver() Implements ICustomSaver.InitSaver
SaverName = "Blank"
Initialized = True
End Sub
Public Sub PreDisplay() Implements ICustomSaver.PreDisplay
End Sub
Public Sub ScrnSaver() Implements ICustomSaver.ScrnSaver
End Sub
Public Sub PostDisplay() Implements ICustomSaver.PostDisplay
End Sub
End Class
Run the build. When the build is successful, ignore the dialog box that appears.
Run the target KS once you copied the generated .dll file, set as default, and run savescreen.
More examples
If you want to check out more examples, feel free to check them out in the KSModExamples respository in GitHub.