
How do you diagnose the bootloader?

GRILO contains diagnostic tools that can be enabled with the Diagnostic messages variable found in the bootloader configuration. It basically saves all the debug information written with the DiagnosticsWriter.WriteDiag() function.

The following diagnostics levels (DiagnosticsLevel enum) are usable:

  • Info

    • Informational diagnostic messages

  • Warning

    • Warning messages

  • Error

    • Error messages, usually indicating that something is wrong

Any diagnostic information is written to the BootloaderDebug.log file with the following format:

[<level>] <content>


  • level

    • The first letter of the diagnostics level

  • content

    • Any message to be written

Before GRILO 1.2.0, if the printing to console option is enabled, you can also see the diagnostic messages being printed to the console live.

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