🗒️Compatibility Notes

If you want to upgrade, here's your guide to update your apps.

When you upgrade BassBoom to a version that contains a higher API version that you have, you'll need to follow the compatibility notes.

From 0.0.2.x to 0.0.3.x

When upgrading BassBoom from 0.0.2.x to 0.0.3.x, you need to consider the following changes:

Removed fugitive mode

public static void Init(string root = "", bool Fugitive = false)

The Fugitive mode was implemented to enable dangerous operations, such as an ability to get music info while the music is playing. However, these operations cause MPG123 to error out with random errors, causing playback to be distorted.

As a result, we've removed fugitive mode.

We advise you to stop using this mode.

Last updated