How to use

How do you use this library?

This library is simple to use compared to Inxi.NET. You can selectively parse hardware and get information for each part that is currently supported by SpecProbe below:


Processor (CPU)


Graphics Card (GPU)


System Memory (RAM)


Storage Devices (HDD, SSD, NVMe, eMMC, ...)


Once you call these properties, the parser relevant to the part that you need to get information will try to fetch info from the hardware in native ways.

You can invalidate the cache using the InvalidateCache() function from the same class for benchmarking and other purposes.

Benchmark Results

The benchmark shows the comparison of performance of SpecProbe and Inxi.NET in their default settings. with a dry job running the hardware probe only once.

  • SpecProbe: CPU, GPU, RAM, and HDD (3.2.1)

  • Inxi.NET: CPU, GPU, RAM, and HDD (2022.5.0.4)

BenchmarkDotNet v0.14.0, Windows 11 (10.0.22631.4317/23H2/2023Update/SunValley3)
Intel Core i7-8700 CPU 3.20GHz (Coffee Lake), 1 CPU, 12 logical and 6 physical cores
.NET SDK 8.0.403
  [Host] : .NET 8.0.10 (8.0.1024.46610), X64 RyuJIT AVX2
  Dry    : .NET 8.0.10 (8.0.1024.46610), X64 RyuJIT AVX2

Job=Dry  IterationCount=1  LaunchCount=1
RunStrategy=ColdStart  UnrollFactor=1  WarmupCount=1

| Method                   | Mean       | Error |
|------------------------- |-----------:|------:|
| ProbeEverythingInxiNet   | 2,356.4 ms |    NA |
| ProbeEverythingSpecProbe |   434.1 ms |    NA |

Inxi.NET took 2,356.4 milliseconds, or 2.3 seconds, to probe all the supported hardware types, while SpecProbe only took 434.1 milliseconds for all the supported types mentioned above. This makes SpecProbe faster than Inxi.NET.


For individual parts, check their individual pages in the page below:


In addition to the hardware parser that SpecProbe provides, this library also provides a separate NuGet package that allows you to get software information, including your kernel version.

Kernel version

Just use the UnameManager class that contains:

  • GetUname(UnameTypes)

This function queries information about your kernel and its basic information, like your system architecture and your kernel version, based on the passed uname flags. Currently, it supports all the portable flags in UnameTypes:︎

  • Kernel name (UnameTypes.KernelName)

  • Kernel release (UnameTypes.KernelRelease)

  • Kernel version (UnameTypes.KernelVersion)

  • Network host name (UnameTypes.NetworkNode)

  • Machine architecture (UnameTypes.Machine)

  • Operating system (UnameTypes.OperatingSystem)


You can also query the platform of your choice using functions defined in the PlatformHelper class. It allows you to check to see if the host is running Windows or Linux, and more.

  • Platform queries

    • IsOnWindows(): Checks to see if the application is running under Windows

    • IsOnWindowsOrWsl(): Checks to see if the application is running under either Windows or WSL

    • IsOnUnix(): Checks to see if the application is running under Linux and other Unix-based systems

    • IsOnMacOS(): Checks to see if the application is running under macOS, which is a BSD-based Unix operating system

    • IsOnAndroid(): Checks to see if the application is running under Android, which is a Linux-based system

    • IsOnArmOrArm64(): Checks to see if the application is running under either ARM or ARM64 processor

    • IsOnArm(): Checks to see if the application is running under ARM (32-bit)

    • IsOnArm64(): Checks to see if the application is running under ARM64

    • IsOnUnixMusl(): Checks to see if the libc library is a musl implementation or not

    • IsOnUnixWsl(): Checks to see if this Linux flavor is a WSL distribution

    • GetPlatform(): Gets the platform in an enumeration

    • GetArchitecture(): Gets the architecture in an enumeration

  • Terminal environment queries

    • GetTerminalEmulator(): Gets the terminal emulator by polling the TERM_PROGRAM environment variable

    • GetTerminalType(): Gets the emulated terminal type by polling the TERM environment variable

  • Environment queries

    • IsRunningFromGrilo(): Checks to see whether this program has been executed from GRILO, an obsolete program

    • IsRunningFromNitrocid(): Checks to see whether this program has been executed from Nitrocid's bootloader or from Nitrocid's modding feature

    • IsRunningFromTmux(): Checks to see whether this terminal is a TMUX terminal

    • IsRunningFromScreen(): Checks to see whether this terminal is a GNU Screen terminal

    • IsRunningFromMono(): Checks to see whether this appiication is run from Mono Runtime or not

    • IsDotNetFx(): Checks to see whether this application is run from .NET Framework on Windows

  • Runtime ID queries

    • GetCurrentGenericRid(): Gets the current generic RID (doesn't describe specific distribution), optionally specifying whether MUSL is included in the queries

  • GUI queries

    • IsOnGui(): Checks to see whether the current environment is a GUI environment or not (always true on macOS, Windows, and Android)

    • IsOnX11(): Checks to see whether the GUI framework used is either an X.Org server or an XWayland server (false on macOS, Windows, and Android)

    • IsOnWayland(): Checks to see whether the GUI framework used is a Wayland server (false on macOS, Windows, and Android)

  • PATH tools

    • GetPaths(): Gets a list of PATH directories as an array

    • GetPossiblePaths(): Takes a file name and queries it by checking every single PATH appended with the file name for existence, then returns an array of paths that this file is found on

Native Libraries

This section is put here to prepare for the merger of NativeLand and SpecProbe in the v2.x.x version series of SpecProbe.

SpecProbe.Loader contains a class that manages how to load the libraries according to both the operating system and the architecture specification using different paths, called LibraryManager. This allows you to load native libraries by copying the native library file or stream to a file in the application executable directory.

You just need to get a path to a native library file using a file path that you've specified. This is an example of how to create a new instance of the library manager from a file path:

var platform = PlatformHelper.GetPlatform();
var bitness = PlatformHelper.GetArchitecture();
switch (platform)
    case Platform.Windows:
        libManager = bitness switch
            Architecture.X64 =>
                new LibraryManager(new LibraryFile(libX64Path)),
            Architecture.Arm64 =>
                new LibraryManager(new LibraryFile(libArm64Path)),
            _ =>
                throw new PlatformNotSupportedException("32-bit systems are no longer supported."),
    case Platform.Linux:
    case Platform.MacOS:
        switch (bitness)
            case Architecture.X64:
                libManager = new LibraryManager(
                    new LibraryFile(libX64Path));
            case Architecture.Arm:
            case Architecture.X86:
                throw new PlatformNotSupportedException("32-bit systems are no longer supported.");

// Load the native library

Once you're done creating new instances of library manager classes, you can now load all of them when needed, as in LoadNativeLibrary(). To verify that it's truly loaded, use the GetNativeMethodDelegate<T>() method, pointing the generic type argument to your function delegate that matches the native library signatures. This is an example of how to call a native library function:

private delegate int Hello();

private static int SayHello()
    // Load native library like the code above
    // Get the hello result from the delegate
    var @delegate = libManager.GetNativeMethodDelegate<Hello>("hello");
    int result = @delegate.Invoke();
    // Print the result

Environment tools

SpecProbe also implements a class called EnvironmentTools that allows you to use the functions related to querying and setting environment variables for native libraries. Currently, you can get and set an environment variable with the following methods:

  • Using .NET (managed): This uses the Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable() function and the Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable() function, but it might not be effective for some native libraries on Windows and all native libraries on Unix.

    • GetEnvironmentVariableManaged()

    • SetEnvironmentVariableManaged()

    • SetEnvironmentVariableAppendManaged()

    • SetEnvironmentVariableNoOverwriteManaged()

  • Using UCRT: This uses the getenv_s() function and the _putenv_s() function, and it's effective for UCRT-based native libraries built for Windows.

    • GetEnvironmentVariableUcrt()

    • SetEnvironmentVariableUcrt()

    • SetEnvironmentVariableAppendUcrt()

    • SetEnvironmentVariableNoOverwriteUcrt()

  • Using LIBC: This uses the getenv() function and the setenv() function, and it's effective for Unix native libraries.

    • GetEnvironmentVariableLibc()

    • SetEnvironmentVariableLibc()

    • SetEnvironmentVariableAppendLibc()

    • SetEnvironmentVariableNoOverwriteLibc()

Device IDs

SpecProbe manages all device IDs according to the available databases. Currently, as of 3.2.0, it provides two types of such database:

  • PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) IDs

  • USB (Universal Serial Bus) IDs


SpecProbe now manages PCI IDs for all known devices that you can find in the PCI ID database that you can download here. You can use the PciListParser class that lets you get vendors, devices, subdevices, and get their information. It also contains device class management.


SpecProbe manages USB IDs for all known USB devices ranging from USB mass storage devices to external hard drives to mouses and keyboards. This is based on a database of known USB devices that you can download here. You can use the UsbListParser class that lets you get the following:

  • Vendors

    • Device

      • Protocol

  • Classes

    • Subclasses

  • Audio terminals

  • Video terminals

  • Human Interface Devices (HIDs)

  • HID items

  • Physical biases

  • Physical descriptors

  • HID usage pages

    • HID usages

  • Languages

    • Dialects

  • Country codes

Last updated