🪄File Magic Tools

Magic wand that points at your files.

We have wrapped the file magic tools under a class called MagicHandler that is found under the Magico.Files namespace. It wraps the libmagic library with the magic.mgc magic file that is embedded to the library to allow systems that don't have file and libmagic installed to work, thus achieving portability.

You can check the libmagic version identifier using the MagicVersionId property.

You can get the magic file paths using the GetMagicPaths() function, though this is usually not necessary.

To get a detailed file summary, you can use the GetMagicInfo() function, pointing to the path of the file, to get a summary that is similar to the file command that you may have installed in your Linux distribution.

Cross-platform is our focus, meaning that you can use this library without risking having to get your customers to install Cygwin/MINGW to be able to run applications that use this library.

In addition to that, you can get the MIME information about your file using the file data and magic number as the indicator instead of simply the file extension. The following functions provide this info:

  • GetMagicMimeInfo()

  • GetMagicMimeType()

  • GetMagicCustomType()

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